“Hays believe in Social Enterprise as an important part of building better communities for the future, which is why we continue to support Social Enterprise NI and look forward to celebrating the work of the organisations and individuals that make it all happen.”
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What is a Social Enterprise?
Social enterprises are innovative, independent businesses driven by social and environmental purposes. Their profits are reinvested in their mission. Social enterprise is a more sustainable and ethical way of doing business.
Find a Social Enterprise
Whether you are looking for catering, branded merchandise, sport facilities or entertainment, our directory is packed with over 800+ Social Enterprises in Northern Ireland.

Social enterprises
in Northern Ireland
Generated for the
N.I Economy
Jobs created
* Stats reported in 2019: Re-Balancing the NI Economy Report
Social Enterprise NI Membership & Benefits
Join the growing movement of the Social Economy sector and become part of our membership network. Together we can grow and accelerate the #BuySocial mission.
Social Value Partnership & Benefits
Connect with Social Enterprises in Northern Ireland and build working relationships to grow your social value.
What our partners say
Membership Testimonials

“We are delighted to announce our support agreement with Social Enterprise NI. They are a key stakeholder in the wider Community, Voluntary and Social Enterprise sector. We have a long-standing relationship and actively get involved in the Dragon Den events and the annual awards.”

“Social Enterprise Northern Ireland have been a fantastic support to Share Discovery
Village, from networking opportunities to advice and support Colin, Amanda and the
team are an invaluable ally. Knowledgeable, encouraging and passionate about what
they do, I cannot recommend them highly enough.”

“We have been members since 2022 and have gained many benefits from the membership. Having the opportunity to discover, meet and support other social enterprises has been hugely important as a credit union which is community and socially driven. The membership has undoubtedly increased our brand awareness and helped us reach out and help more of our common bond community with their financial needs. We highly recommend membership to help support the local economy and social enterprise.”